Providing Trusted Home Care in Greenville SC & surrounding areas

What Do You Need as a Long-Distance Caregiver?

Home Care in Seneca SC: Long-Distance Caregiving

It might feel at first as though there’s not so much that you can do for your elderly family member if you live far away from her. But with the help of home care providers, you can meet more of her needs than you expect. You might even find a way to get objective feedback […]

What is the Sandwich Generation in Terms of Caregiving?

Home Care in Seneca SC: The Sandwich Generation

You have an older parent that needs some help remaining in the family home. You’re trying to provide the care that parent needs while also raising your children and managing your own household. Congratulations. You’re part of the sandwich generation. What is the Sandwich Generation? Merriam-Webster defines the sandwich generation as “a generation of people […]

The Complications of Diabetes

Senior Care Columbia SC A1C and Seniors

If your loved one has recently experienced a diagnosis of diabetes, their emotions may be ranging anywhere from disbelief, to fear, to a nonchalant approach—a belief that their prescribed medication will cure whatever ails them. While it’s important to not let fear affect your daily like, it’s also important to know the consequences of not […]

How a Home Care Provider Can Help Reduce Hospital Admissions


Home Care in Seneca SC One of the greatest risks to your parent’s health, wellbeing, and ability to enjoy a long, healthy, and satisfying life in your home care journey with her is something that you likely never even think about. Hospital readmission, which is, heading back to the hospital within 30 days of initial […]

Home Care Providers Help Stave Off Depression

Home Care in Seneca SC

Home Care in Seneca SC When loved ones lose their spouse or companion they have shared their home with for many years, it’s natural for them to experience feelings of sadness. However, if feelings progress for a long period of time, it may become necessary for families to intervene and begin discussions about bringing in […]

Getting More Active through Home Care Can be Beneficial to Heart Health

Home Care in Seneca SC

Home Care in Seneca SC There are an incredible number of things that just about everyone can do to benefit their heart health. For aging seniors, it is never too late to focus on proper heart care. Even if the individual had a lifetime of bad habits, including smoking, drinking, eating plenty of junk food […]

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