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How Can You Plan Simple, Fun Activities for an Aging Adult in Your Life?

Elderly Care in Mauldin SC: Planning Fun Activities

Activities help to occupy your senior’s brain and fill her days with something that’s meaningful for her. you might want to consider trying different activities for each day by using a theme. Experiment to find what works for your senior.

Elderly Care in Mauldin SC: Planning Fun Activities
Elderly Care in Mauldin SC: Planning Fun Activities

Keep Your Ideas Simple.

The simplest ideas are usually the best ideas. If you’re trying to make the situation a little more complicated than it should be, your senior might find herself becoming frustrated. For example, outings can be as simple as going through the drive through window at a favorite coffee shop for a treat. If your senior has mobility issues, she might enjoy being able to be out of the house without having to get out of the car.

Involve Her in Daily Activities.

Cooking with your aging family member can be a great way to involve her in daily activities going on at home while keeping things simple. Your senior might enjoy measuring ingredients or stirring while you do other things. Or she might enjoy sitting in the room with you and talking while you do some of the normal daily activities that have to be done.

Play a Game.

Games are a great way to keep your elderly family member’s brain engaged and running. Board games, card games, and even puzzles can all do the job. Make sure that you have a mix of games that your elderly family member can play on her own and games that require other people.

Incorporate Exercise.

If your aging family member doesn’t enjoy exercising, then slipping it into some of the activities she does throughout the day can help. Do some stretching together a few times a day or take a walk in the middle of the day. Make sure that whatever exercise your senior is doing is safe for her to do by talking with her doctor about your plans.

Get Ideas from Others.

Talking with elderly care providers and other people who have experience with helping older adults can help you to formulate many more ideas about activities to try with your senior. The ideas don’t have to be complicated at all. In fact, you might be surprised at how simple some of the ideas you’ll hear can be.

You might want to keep a short journal about the activities that your elderly family member enjoys and why so that you can refer to it whenever you’re looking for new ideas. This helps you know what to avoid and what to try again.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring elderly care in Mauldin, SC, contact Heart of the Carolinas Home Care at 864-991-3116.  Providing Home Care Services in Greenville, Simpsonville, Greer, Anderson, Spartanburg, Mauldin, Seneca, Laurens, Charleston, Columbia and the surrounding areas.


Edward Harrison
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