Three Reasons Hand Washing Is So Effective Against Coronavirus

Why is hand washing recommended so often to battle the coronavirus?
Vision Issues in the Elderly

Making good elder care lifestyle choices in combination with scheduling regular eye exams can go a long way in improving your senior’s chances for developing serious issues with their vision.
Should Your Senior Still Be Driving?
Driving can be a dangerous thing for your elderly family member to be doing. In fact, for some aging adults, it might be time to give up driving. Talk with Her Doctor about Health Issues. Depending on your senior’s health conditions, driving may or may not be more dangerous for her. If you’re seeing situations […]
Pros and Cons of Walk-in Bathtubs
Many family caregivers take a serious look at installing a walk-in bathtub for their aging loved one. Without a doubt, the bathroom is one of the most dangerous areas in the house for the elderly. More than 66 percent of all bathroom injuries happen while in a tub or shower, according to the Centers for […]
Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Aspasia
Elder Care in Anderson SC National Aphasia Awareness Month takes place in June, which was established to bring awareness of aphasia to the public nationwide. Aphasia is a language disorder that is a result from damage to the brain and is most common among those adults who have had a stroke in the past. It […]